Friday, May 20, 2011

Something Greater

Have you ever felt as though you were meant for something greater? I am beginning to wonder if this is a common feeling for people or if it is just me. I have spent my life feeling as though I was created for something big! Something great! I just assumed that everyone felt this way. As I take a closer look at people and how they live their lives, I begin to wonder if this restless feeling is not as common as I thought it was. No matter where I am in my life, this suffocating feeling quickly seems to follow. Every adventure I find myself on only brings excitement temporarily. Soon, that desire to do something great creeps back into my soul.

I am almost 26 and I have done nothing that really makes me proud of myself. God created me for something amazing and I know deep down that I have not accomplished his goal. People tell me that I am doing great things for kids and others but somewhere down deep I can't seem to shake this feeling. I believe that what is meant to be will be so I believe that I am in this place for a reason but something just doesn't feel right. I know that I need to have faith in his plan. I also know that I need to take a leap of faith.

I am a dreamer. I always have been. I don't really know anyone who dreams like I do. Most people I know are very grounded and realistic. Some times I feel as though I should just pull my head out of the clouds, but then, I wouldn't be me. There is a realist in me that is very scared to take the leap to make my dreams come true. What if I fail? What if I make a fool of myself? What if my plan isn't what God wants me to do? Too many times my "what if" thoughts cloud my mind and I let fear take over. Then all I am left with is the safe choice. I just want to leave this place knowing that I gave every bit of me to help make others happy. I have been blessed with a such a wonderful family and support team. I know deep down in my soul that God created me to make lives better. I just need to find the way to make that happen. I don't think I will be happy until I fulfill my purpose.

So you probably are wondering how this blog is inspirational. Well to most of you it might not be. I am in pain right now because I feel like I am wasting my strengths and true calling. What I hope you take from this is not my pain, but instead to evaluate yourself and where you are in your life. Do you have a purpose that is being wasted? Are you giving all that you can for God? Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily stresses that we forget why we were put on this earth. If you have forgotten why, please take the time to look deep within yourself and uncover your purpose. Then go out and make it right!