Friday, February 5, 2010

I Believe In You and I

What an amazing song I just heard today!! I am almost in tears! This song is called, "I Believe" by Nikki Yanofsky. Please YouTube this song because the music as well as the lyrics are extremely moving and powerful! Her voice is so strong and gives me chills.

This song made me think of my fabulous friends and how together, we have been able to do and experience such exciting and life-changing things. From my friends I have found a strength I did not know existed. Too many times society leads us to believe that in order to be at our best we need to fall in love with someone that will become your life-long partner. This song could very well be written about her husband or boyfriend but I hear it a different way...

I have been blessed with such amazing friends that have supported me through everything and encouraged me to reach every goal and achieve every dream. Without them in my life, I would not have accomplished any of the courageous things in my life. They have made this journey meaningful and memorable. I believe in my friends and what we are capable of as a strong unbreakable force! Together ANYTHING is possible! I believe that this is our moment to shine in this world and I know that we are going to push each other until we have reached our highest peak!!! I love you all and will continue to support you for our entire lives!!!


  1. Anything is possible!! I am so fortunate to have you as a friend in my life! You provide such a positive influenc in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. Those are amazing words of wisdom. I shall write those down and keep them in my pocket..not really lol but you should make some of the words rhyme and put them to music! One day you'll impact people with your music! One day! Especially if I have anything to say about it! :)

  2. I love you girl! Together till the end!!!!
