If you have not heard the song, "I will get there" by Boyz II Men then you need to YouTube it immediately. This song describes how I feel at this point in my life. It has been a year of failure and set-back after set-back but somehow I have finally reached a point of stability. For the first time in a very long time, I am able to breathe and take in the grace and beauty that God has blessed us all with.
Sometimes I think it takes you to be at your most vulnerable to finally see how enriched your lives really are. In the midst of distress we tend to overlook the smallest riches and take for granted the miracles surrounding our lives. It is only when one finally makes it over that treacherous mountain to the other side that the sun finally shines all around them and life's simplest treasures finally reveal themselves.
So what is all of this babble saying? As hard as this past year has been, finally making it to the other side has allowed me to be grateful for my life and those that fill it with riches every day. I only hope that everyone stands tall and confident until they can make it to their destination! Because the view is impeccable.
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