I heard an amazing quote the other day.
"What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?"
Just take a moment to comprehend this quote. What would you do you if you knew that anything was possible? I know we have all heard those encouraging words more than once in our lives, but the truth is, somewhere deep down we all had reservations, fears, and doubts. We knew that not everything was possible. So we spent our lives listening to our reason and logic working towards what we see as feasible.
But ever since I heard this quote I can't get this idea out of my head. What would this world be like if none of us could fail? If we were successful at everything we did, would we be happier? Would we be at peace with ourselves and therefore each other? Would we be risk seekers and out making a difference in our world? I guess the point I am trying to make is that sometimes we tend to fear failure so much that it paralyzes our creativity and prevents us from living up to our full potential. Soon we find ourselves in a world of mundane experiences, filled with regret.
Yes failure is very real and happens more than once to us in our lifetime, but maybe we should start acting as though we can't fail. Even if we know logically it can happen, our actions can prove otherwise. Our world is a sad place for people right now. Many of us however are in a position to make a difference in the lives of others, but sometimes our hopes and dreams seem out of reach. If we act as though we can not fail and believe in what we are doing, sky is the limit!
So my new challenge for you: Act as though you cannot fail, and believe that you can achieve greatness!
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